School News

This Week ARELLO Recertified our 60 Hour Online Courses.

- Apr 26, 2014      Archive

Before, I discuss the ARELLO certificate renewal, I wanted to say that my wife and I are owners of Cooke Real Estate School and this last week the youngest of my wife’s brothers passed away. We haven’t had a family member pass in years and when it happens to an individual so close, you realize how tentative life is and how quickly death can happen, how final it is, and the void it leaves in your heart.

My brother-in-law, Jeff Campbell, was a guy with a huge heart of love for others. Jeff was very inflicted with Rheumatoid Arthritis over many years and had to cope with the excruciating pain and challenges this disease caused, but Jeff never complained and always had a smile and love for others. Jeff also loved cats. When Jeff died his beautiful cat named Puma is now looking for a new home. Please call the school if you would be interested in this wonderful loving cat.

ARELLO - Our license school provides pre-license 60 hour courses in Montana, Alabama, Mississippi and North Dakota. Each of those states requires ARELLO certification. The ARELLO certification process is an excel requirement many states’ regulatory agencies require.

ARELLO staff reviews the course to make sure the course functions properly, has learning objective that are stated in behavioral terms and that there are assessments to verify the student is learning the material. Other items for review are the time requirement of the course, the instructor support, security measures, and to make sure back-up systems are in place.

We are in the process this next week making ARELLO application for the 45 hour pre-license course for sales associate in North Dakota.

The state of Florida passed a law last year that will allow students wanting to get into the real estate appraisal field to be able to take the appraisal courses online for licensing and for certification. Cooke Real Estate School will be making application for ARELLO/IDECC certification for these courses too.

Frank Cooke